Both authors are accomplished biologists. Mayr has made important contributions to classification and theories of species formation. Maynard Smith is a population geneticist who pioneered the application of game theory to evolution and came up with the concept of an 'evolutionarily stable strategy' which has since then been used by economists too. Maynard Smith was initially trained as an engineer but later switched to zoology because he decided that "aeroplanes were noisy and old-fashioned".
The two books complement each other very well. Mayr's is more introductory, giving you the broad picture. Maynard Smith goes into more detail about the population genetics and molecular biology involved. Mayr's vision is that of a field zoologist. He talks about the influence of the environment and macro-evolution. Maynard Smith's tells us the story of the 'selfish gene' with more rigour than Dawkins' famous book.
In short, two books that must be on the table of everyone who wonders how the "endless forms most beautiful" of living nature come about.
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