Shaquanda Cotton is a 15-year-old Texas girl who has been in prison for over a year now merely for shoving a hall monitor in her school. Recently her detention has been extended for possessing 'contraband': a plastic foam cup and an extra pair of socks. Under the law she can be held in the detention facility for the next seven years—till she turns 21.
The same judge who sentenced her to imprisonment also let off a white girl found guilty of arson with just probation.
Here's the
full article from the
Washington Post.
1 comment:
The race issue is not the most important issue here. The unbridled misuse of power by the legal system is destroying this nation and must be stopped. This effects all races and most importantly, the well being of this nation in the future.
I don't know what is worse, the criminals on the streets or the criminals in our legal system.
It's time that we open our eyes and become aware of the devistation that is occuring to this nations freedoms and rights. This nation is supposed to be for the people and by the people.
Forty years ago the nation was strong and the people had a voice. Today, the people in power are in control and this is the result. The greatest threat to our nation is not from outside, rather from the inside.
I fear for the future of this country. Shaquanda is only one instance on many that should alert us that our leadership is destroying this nation from the inside.
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